

“A healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of wellbeing.” “Wellness is a view of health that emphasizes the state of the entire being and its ongoing development.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellness_(alternative_medicine)

Physical health practices (fitness, Yoga, nutrition) combined with relaxation and stress reduction techniques is a kick start for a healthy and happy lifestyle. 

Wellness Mentoring


healthy life

You may benefit from Wellness Mentoring if you

  • Don’t have an acceptable work-life balance
  • Are overstressed
  • Aren’t as healthy as you’d like to be

Start with a free wellness consultation and we’ll go from there. The direction depends on your needs and goals.

You may be in need of an entire wellness plan including…


Defining goals and priorities

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Fitness and exercise programs and planning

Nutrition advice and planning

Relaxation practice and help planning a personal practice

Or you may want to focus on and improve a specific area of your wellness plan.

“The science is now in: practice in mindfulness meditation decreases stress and can help you avoid the negative outcomes of burnout and loss of empathy. Mindfulness practice can also help you study more efficiently and retain more information in class lectures. It can increase your quality of life and, in some people, it protects against depression. And all of these effects are founded upon changes in basic brain structures and function” (Links page for Brown University’s description of their Mindfulness Program for Med. students)

Wellness mentors give their clients the motivation and tools they need to achieve their physical and emotional health goals.




Contact us for a free consultation. info@balanceinwellness.com